The Centre for Water Technology and Policy at The University of Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as the “HKU Water Centre”) has been commissioned by the Water Supplies Department to conduct a study, which is aimed at understanding residents’ water usage following the installation of the “Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) System.” The objective of the study is to provide residents with detailed water usage data and appropriate feedback, utilizing smart technology to promote water conservation.

Residents with the “Automatic Meter Reading System” installed are eligible to participate. The following properties are included:
- Public housing block:
Choi Tak Estate – Choi Shing House
Choi Tak Estate – Choi Shun House
Kwai Chung Estate – Hop Kwai House
Kwai Chung Estate – Pik Kwai House
Yat Tung (II) Estate – Mun Yat House
- Private housing estate:
Belair Villa
K. Summit
Scenic Garden
The Henley
Upper Riverbank -
Private housing building:
The Harmonie
Tenants who do not plan to relocate before May 2025 are also welcome to participate.
Participants’ Benefits
- From January 2025 to May 2025, participants will receive a monthly “Water Usage Report.”
- After successful registration, participant will receive a Maxim’s Gift Coupon $20.
How to conserve H₂O to reduce CO₂?
Hot water supply accounts for nearly a quarter of household energy consumption! Taking shorter showers reduces water usage and reduces the energy used to heat water and its greenhouse gas emissions.

Approx. shower time per person per day
7.5 mins

Carbon emissions generated = turning on the A/C every day for:
47 mins

Account for monthly gas bill

Avg. shower hot water volume for 3-person households in HK
*Based on the average daily use of 74 liters of water per person in Hong Kong for bathing and hot water supply in winter

Avg. shower hot water volume for 3-person households in HK

shower time per
person per day
7.5 mins

Carbon emissions
generated = turning on
the A/C every day for:
47 mins

Account for monthly
gas bill
*Based on the average daily use of 74 liters of water per person in Hong Kong for bathing and hot water supply in winter
1. How long will the “Conserve H₂O to reduce CO₂” project last?
The data collection period is from November 2024 to May 2025. From January 2025 to May 2025, participants will receive a monthly “Water Usage Report.”
2. Is “Conserve H₂O to reduce CO₂” free?
This program is free to join and there is no charge at all.
3. What is "Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) System”?
The “Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) System” uses smart water meters installed at the user’s premises to automatically collect water consumption data of individual households in a remote manner.
4. How does the HKU Water Centre restive the distribution of water use from participants?
Water consumption data comes from digital readings from the “Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) System”. The computing model developed by the HKU Water Centre can identify usage trends and patterns and determine how water is utilized in households.
5. Will participants’ water usage data be made public?
Data analysts will only know the anonymized data and will not know the identity of the participants. After analysis, the report is automatically generated by the computer.
6. Can participants withdraw from the “Conserve H₂O to reduce CO₂” project midway?
If the participant wishes to withdraw from the research due to relocation or other reasons, they may contact the researcher at any time.
Confidentiality and Data Retention
The HKU Water Centre will ensure the confidentiality of participants’ identity and personal information, safeguarding them in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. All related data will remain confidential and will not be made public. The study will use aggregate and anonymous methods in data analysis, ensuring participants’ personal data will not be identifiable or published in any research output. According to the internal guidelines of The University of Hong Kong, all personal data collected during the research will be deleted five years after the publication of the first academic journal article. All research data, including household water survey results and all analysed data, as well as personal information collected during the study, including consent forms and contact details of participants, will be stored securely. Paper-form data will be kept in a locked cabinet, and all electronic files will be stored in a password-protected file space on the University’s server.
If participants have any questions about the research, please contact HKU Water Centre’s Co-Director Professor Danny Lam, principal investigator of the project, at 3910 2415 or For inquiries regarding the rights of research participants, please contact The University of Hong Kong Research Ethics Committee at 2241 5267 or
The University of Hong Kong Research Ethics Committee Reference Number: EA240512
The University of Hong Kong Research Ethics Committee Approval Expiration date: 31st January 2026
Contact Us
If you have any inquiries, please contact us during office hours (Monday to Friday; 09:30 – 18:00), and our team will respond as soon as possible.
Phone Number: 3910 2415
Email Address: