
Water-smart Taskforce Programme (WaterTAP) - Non-domestic

Overview of an 8-week programme

Week 1 - Installation of a "Smart Water Meter"

The HKU team will install a smart water meter. After it is installed, the smart meter will automatically record water usage data and securely transmit them to a HKU server for analysis.

Week 2 - Interim Report

The HKU team will use AI technology to analyse water usage data of participating sites.  The Interim Report will convey these information:

– Leakage alerts
– Peak water consumption time periods

Website_ND (EN2)2

– Water-efficiency performance compared to industry benchmarks

Website_ND (EN3)
Weeks 3 to 6 – Leak detection and assessment of water conservation measures (if applicable)

Should any leaks or inefficient water usage practices be identified; participating sites can make use of the online data platform to (i) pinpoint the source of the problem and/or (ii) evaluate the effectiveness of water conservation measures applied. For further assistance, participating sites may contact the HKU team at any time.

Week 8 - Conclusion Report

Participating sites can evaluate the extent of improvements by comparing the latest water usage data with those shown in the Interim Report.