

Water Conservation

1. Water consumption


Water Supplies Department, 2023. Annual Report 2021/22, p.19. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2023. Annual Report 2021/22, p.118. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2023. Annual Report 2021/22, p.118. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2023. Annual Report 2021/22, p.21. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2023. Annual Report 2021/22, p.19. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

The 2023/24 data were provided by the research team working on a project entitled. “Harnessing the Power of IoT Technologies, Data Analytics and Advanced Household Profiling Techniques to Sustain Water-conscious Behaviours and to Inform Water-sector Infrastructure Planning”. The research project (S2021.A8.034.21S) is funded by the HKSAR Government’s Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme.

The 2023/24 data were provided by the research team working on a project entitled. “Harnessing the Power of IoT Technologies, Data Analytics and Advanced Household Profiling Techniques to Sustain Water-conscious Behaviours and to Inform Water-sector Infrastructure Planning”. The research project (S2021.A8.034.21S) is funded by the HKSAR Government’s Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme.

2. Water demand management: Current situation

Water demand management

Water Supplies Department, 1999-2023. Annual Report 1998/99-2021/22, Annual Quantity of Fresh Water Supply. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Chen, Y. D., 2001. Sustainable development and management of water resources for urban water supply in Hong Kong, Water International, 26(1), p.124. DOI: 10.1080/02508060108686891

Water Supplies Department, 2002-2023. Annual Report 2001/02-2021/22, Annual Quantity of Fresh Water Supply. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

US Environmental Protection Agency, 2016. Best Practices to Consider When Evaluating Water Conservation and Efficiency as an Alternative for Water Supply Expansion. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water conservation target

Office of the Chief Executive, HKSAR Government, 2017. The Chief Executive’s 2017 Policy Address, Policy Agenda, p.117. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2018. Annual Report 2016/17, p.93. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Office of the Chief Executive, HKSAR Government, 2017. The Chief Executive’s 2017 Policy Address, Policy Agenda, p.117. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2018. Annual Report 2016/17, p.93. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2020. Annual Report 2018/19, p.104. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2023. Annual Report 2021/22, p.118. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water loss control

Audit Commission, 2015. Report No. 64 of the Director of Audit, Chapter 4, para. 1.3. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 1998-2023. Annual Report 1997/98-2021/22, Waterworks – operating accounts, Review of the year. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 1998-2023. Annual Report 1997/98-2021/22, Annual Quantity of Fresh Water Supply. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2023. Annual Report 2021/22, p.105. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

3. Water demand management: An International perspective

Water consumption pattern 

Water Supplies Department, 1999-2023. Annual Report 1998/99-2021/22, Annual Quantity of Fresh Water Supply. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Chen, Y. D., 2001. Sustainable development and management of water resources for urban water supply in Hong Kong, Water International, 26(1), p.124. DOI: 10.1080/02508060108686891

Water Supplies Department, 1999-2023. Annual Report 1998/99-2021/22, Annual Salt Water Consumption and Population Served with Salt Water. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Ho, P.Y., 2009. Water for a Barren Rock. Hong Kong: The Commercial Press (H.K) Ltd., p 141.

The seawater consumption data for 1961 to 1970 were conservative estimates made by the authors.

For Barcelona:
(Only available in Catalan) Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2023. Anuari Estadístic de la Ciutat de Barcelona 2022, p.288. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Barcelona City Council, 2022. Barcelona in Figures 2021/2022, p.4. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

For Beijing:
(Only available in Chinese) 北京市水務局(2022)。《北京市水務統計年鑒 2021》,1頁。取自: 連結 [查詢日期:2024年2月]

北京市統計局國家統計局北京調查總隊(2022)。〈北京市2021年國民經濟和社會發展統計公報〉,表2 2021年末常住人口及構成。取自: 連結 [查詢日期:2024年2月]

For Hong Kong:
Water Supplies Department, 2023. Annual Report 2021/22, p.118. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Census and Statistics Department, 2024. Table 110-01001 : Population by Sex and Age Group, Statistics. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

For Macau:
(Only available in Chinese) 海事及水務局(2022)。《2022澳門水資源狀況報告》,17頁。取自: 連結 [查詢日期:2024年2月]

Statistics and Census Service, 2022. Demographic Statistics, 4th Quarter 2021. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

For New York:
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), 2023. Water Consumption in the City of New York, Data. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

World Population Review, 2024. New York City, New York Population 2024, New York City Population by Year. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

For Singapore:
Department of Statistics Singapore, 2023. Water Sales. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Department of Statistics Singapore, 2021. Population Trends 2021, p.vii. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

For Sydney:
Sydney Water, 2022. Water Conservation Report 2021-2022, p.16. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2022. Regional population, Population by capital city. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

For Taipei:
Taipei Water Department, 2022. Statistical Yearbook 2021, p.106. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Dept. of Household Registration, Ministry of the Interior, n.d.. Statistics, End of Year, Table 1. Population by Sex and 5 Year Age Group for Counties and Cities. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

For Tokyo:
(Only available in Japanese) Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 2023. 125 years’ history of Tokyo Modern Waterworks, p.126. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Tokyo Metropolitan Government, n.d.. Geography of Tokyo. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 1999-2023. Annual Report 1998/99-2021/22, Annual Quantity of Fresh Water Supply. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Chen, Y. D., 2001. Sustainable development and management of water resources for urban water supply in Hong Kong, Water International, 26(1), p.124. DOI: 10.1080/02508060108686891

Water Supplies Department, 1999-2023. Annual Report 1998/99-2021/22, Annual Salt Water Consumption and Population Served with Salt Water. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Ho, P.Y., 2009. Water for a Barren Rock. Hong Kong: The Commercial Press (H.K) Ltd., p 141.
The seawater consumption data for 1961 to 1970 were conservative estimates made by the authors.
For reference materials used to compile the data of other cities, please contact the Water Centre.

Water Supplies Department, 1999-2023. Annual Report 1998/99-2021/22, Per Capita Domestic Fresh Water Consumption. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

For reference materials used to compile the data of other cities, please contact the Water Centre.

Water tariff

Water Supplies Department, 2002-2023. Annual Report 2001/02-2021/22, Finance and Water Charges. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2002-2024. Annual Report 2001/02-2022/23, Finance and Water Charges. Available at: link [Accessed May 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2002-2023. Annual Report 2001/02-2021/22, Finance and Water Charges. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2002-2023. Annual Report 2001/02-2021/22, Finance and Water Charges. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

International Water Association, 2022. Total Charges for Cities in 2021 For A Consumption Of 100 m³. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]

Water Supplies Department, 2002-2023. Annual Report 2001/02-2021/22, Finance and Water Charges. Available at: link [Accessed Feb 2024]