Water Conservation
Our flagship project –“Smart Water Auditing”– makes use of smart technologies (including Internet of Things, machine learning, and edge computing) to analyse domestic water consumption pattern and composition. Project findings will facilitate the provision of timely feedback to users to reinforce their positive water conservation behaviour; findings could also help optimise the water supply system’s operations.

Research Projects
Smart Water Auditing for Sustainable Hong Kong
The primary objective is to investigate the potential of nudging for reversing the upward trend in per capita domestic water use. A total of 400 households, varying in building types and household sizes, were randomly selected for the study, spanning a 2-year data collection period.
The project secured a HK$4.09 million grant in March 2022 under the Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme. Administered by the Chief Executive’s Policy Unit of the Hong Kong SAR Government, this funding aims to support the exploration and management of water resources in the region.
Project Period: 2019 – 2025
Download pamphletA Study on Household Water-use Pattern in Tai O
Since 2021, the Water Supplies Department (WSD) has installed wireless Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system in Tai O, which allows for remote meter reading through wireless data transmission.
The research focus is to develop methods and technologies for personalised water usage feedback systems by utilising the data collected from the AMR systems. The target is to achieve a 3% reduction in domestic water consumption among the participants.
Project period: 2023 Apr – 2024 Jan
“Conserve H₂O to reduce CO₂” Household Water-use Research Project
HKU Water Centre has been commissioned by the Water Supplies Department (WSD) to conduct a study, which is aimed at understanding residents’ water usage following the installation of the “Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) System.”
The objective of the study is to provide residents with detailed water usage data and appropriate feedback, utilizing smart technology to promote water conservation. participants.
Project period: 2024 Nov – 2025 Apr
Community Outreach Programmes
WaterWise Initiative for Commercial Buildings
The initiative aims to digitalise metering data to help building managers identify potential leaks and high usage activities. Sharing round-the-clock data on water use efficiency with building managers can enable informed decisions about water consumption and reduction of environmental impacts. The initiative also offers capacity building programs for staff on incorporating water conservation practices into ESG reporting and business strategy.
Programme period: 2023 Oct – 2024 Jun

Water Loss Control
Water loss from municipal water supply systems has resulted in significant financial and non-financial problems for many cities. This project aims at understanding how policies and technologies have been effectively combined to address the water loss problem around the world and identifying the necessary institutional pre-conditions for successful implementation of proven technologies.

Research Projects
Water Loss in Hong Kong
Water loss persists in Hong Kong despite significant investments in addressing it. This research places Hong Kong’s water loss problem in an international context to understand its scale and severity. Through case study research, the project examine how water supply agencies in Halifax, Seoul and Sydney manage water losses. These cities were chosen to provide insights and potential solutions for Hong Kong’s enduring challenge, as well as to establish a benchmark and gain global perspective on the problem’s scope.
Project period: 2020 – 2022

Freshwater Ecology
The intimate connections between water and ecology have been overlooked in Hong Kong. This project aims at exploring the significance and feasibility of preserving and restoring natural rivers and river basins and delineating the positive effects of such efforts on the health of freshwater ecosystems.

Water Reuse
Globally, an increasing number of municipalities have turned to reclaimed water to ensure long-term water security. This project assesses the economic, environmental, and public health impacts of water reuse in Hong Kong. The findings will help guide the development of appropriate policies and regulations on water reuse in our city.

Research Projects
Life-cycle Assessment of Wastewater Reuse Scenarios in Hong Kong
Reclaimed water is a promising climate-proof alternative for diversifying water resources in Hong Kong. To facilitate the planning and city-wide implementation of wastewater reuse in Hong Kong, this project, funded by the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, has developed an integrated framework for assessing the economic, environmental and public health impacts of using reclaimed water based on life-cycle analysis. Different scenarios of using reclaimed water for non-potable and indirect potable reuses in Hong Kong were evaluated.
Project period: 2021-2022